Human Resource Management
As the business environment becomes more and more competitive, organizations are realizing that their likelihood of sustained success is most dependent on learning to get the maximum out of their employees. Such a realization has had a significant impact on the practice of human resources management. Business forecasters predict that the role of employees, managers, and HRM personnel are likely to see more changes in the decades ahead. Thus, individuals entering the business environment today (and
tomorrow) require an understanding of the importance of human resources to organizational success. As we move further into the twenty-first century, it is becoming clear that the effective management of an organization’s human resources is a major source of competitive advantage and may even be the single most important determinant of an organization’s performance over the long term. Organizations have started to realize that their success is dependent on their ability to attract, develop, and retain talented employees (Reich, 1998). The long-term, sustained success of an organization in today changing and challenging business environment involves top management’s commitment to designing and implementing HRM programs geared towards developing both high-performing employees and organizations. It is only by working toward the development and retention of the right type of employees can any organization expect to be successful in a global, dynamic, and continuously changing competitive environment. Human resources management is the term increasingly used to refer to the philosophy, policies, procedures, and practices related to the management of an organization’s employees. Human resources management is particularly concerned with all the activities that contribute to successfully attracting, developing, motivating, and maintaining a high-performing workforce that results in organizational success. Human resource (HR) management is also defined as the design of formal systems in an organisation to ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organisational goals (Onah, 2012:3). In the process of HRM, there is an increasing emphasis on the personal needs of the organization and its members. How effectively employees contribute to organization goals depend to a larger extent upon the ability of its HRM staff. The challenge is to create an organizational environment in which each employee can grow and develop to his or her fullest extent. Such an environment increases the likelihood of a successful organization, and this is what HRM is all about, making organizations successful. Human resources management efforts are planned, systematic approaches to increasing organizational success. They involve HRM programs aimed at developing HRM strategies for the total organization with an eye toward clarifying an organization’s current and potential problems and developing solutions for them. They are oriented toward action, the individual, the global marketplace, and the future. Today it would be